Week 36-7

Hello everyone,

We've made progress on a few different fronts this week. For starters, our company now has it's very own logo!

We hired a professional and I think it really paid off. We're also an official company now. Paperwork filed and everything.

We also sent off our very first publisher application. It's almost certainly going to be the first of many, but it still feels like an important milestone. Here's hoping there's some interest. We think the game's really cool and would love the marketing budget to show it off to more people.

Don't worry, some progress has been made on the actual game part of the game too. In addition to some playtesting, balancing, and bug fixing on the levels we added last time we've also added difficulty levels! 

We're tentatively calling the difficulty levels Scholar, Veteran, and Expert. The main difference on lower difficulty levels is how much time pressure the player is going to be under and how quickly they need to response to threats. The lower difficulties will still have most of the same challenges for the player to overcome, just give them more time and freedom to learn and experiment. Hopefully these names plus some suitable descriptions will get that idea across. For now the only difference between the difficulty levels is AI speed, but we're planning on adding more in the coming weeks.

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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