Week 44-5

Hello Everyone,

We released our Steam Page!

Please wishlist and share with friends! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1996600/Byte_Lynx/

These last two weeks of development have been awesome! Not only have we nailed down the final story plot of the game but also have a live steam page! Many thanks to, Caleb, our video editor for making such an amazing teaser trailer and music! Great work and I can't wait to have him make our release trailer in ~3 months!

That's right, we've also decided on a tentative release date of August 30th! We feel that with the remaining time we can finish up the game details and get in some much-needed polish.

Some of the screenshots that didn't make it onto the Steam Page:

Hope you're all having a great day,
Micah Rust

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