Week 56-61

Hey everybody, long time no see. We've been heads down getting the game finished and forgot to update this log. A lot has happened since we last logged, but here are the highlights:

All 20 levels are done! It's pretty much all polish work from here on out.

We were at the Seattle Indie Expo (SIX)! Thank you to everyone who came by and tried out our game. We'll also be at SIX online on September 24th on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/SeattleIndies) if anyone wants to check us out there. 

We're also about to move into the closed beta phase. We're planning on getting that started within the next week so we can start getting some "on mass" feedback. If you want in, leave a comment or check out the steam page in a few days when we have the signup up :)

We've also done tons of work on visual polish, difficulty balance, more variety in AI behavior, and of course the eternal hunt for bugs continues. We're excited to show off all the hard work soon!

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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