Week 62-64

Hello Everyone!

Byte Lynx Launches in 3 days and we are super hyped! The game is in great shape and only needs a few minor tweaks before we upload the final build. 

A lot of stuff has come together over the last 3 weeks. We added mission icons/map, an awesome DALL-E generated backgrounds to our upgrades, and also many balance changes from our playtesters.

Mission Icons:

Upgrade screen:

We've also put a lot of effort into making the game stable for players. Since the game is 5-10 hours long this takes a while and has been the bulk of our work over the last weeks.

We are super excited about the launch on October 12th (ONLY 3 days) and will do another post on launch day! Please wishlist on steam!

Hope your having a great day,
Micah Rust

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