Week 42-3

Hello Everyone

It's been two weeks of hectic game development! We've been making excellent progress on the game and can't wait to put it in front of players. Recently we've been working on the AI and narrative systems to make them more responsive to the player's action. This makes the holdout level really fun and challenging on the hard difficulties. This work isn't very flashy, but it has made the game much more enjoyable.

We also did a bunch of work on the in-game UI and main menu. 

New In-game UI (Narrative):

New In-game Pause Screen:

We have also started playing around with Replica Studio (https://replicastudios.com/) to do our narrative dialogue in the game. Replica Studios uses AI to synthesize character voices. The quality of their most recent voices is quite good and we are considering using them in the game. Of course, if you don't like the AI voices, we will provide a way to mute them.

Hope you're having a great day,

Micah Rust

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