Week 28

Hey Everyone,

This week we've got a couple new features to show off. First up, we've got a dialog system in the works. We're going with portraits on the side and scrolling text on the bottom.  We've got systems in place to tie dialog in with objectives  and map pings, but those need a little more work before we show them off. We're looking into ways to enhance the dialog like algorithmically generated voice or text chirps, colors, and maybe some in-between mission time for more story. Here's what the dialog looks like right now:

We've also been working on adding a new capability to the AI: Templates. We want the AI to be able to use Assault Platforms as a more dangerous but less frequent way to attack the player. To help with that, and potentially other building configurations with specific uses, we've taught the AI to build a set of buildings (or template) that we put together in the editor anywhere on the map. Here's what that looks like in game:

How the AI is going to decide WHERE to build these templates is still an open question, but we've got some ideas to explore in the coming weeks.

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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