Week 27

Hey Everyone

This week in development we got our minimap working! Additionally, there is an added notification system that will ping the map when important events occur.  We plan to tie this ping/notification system into the in-game dialogue which is another piece of this current milestone. 

WIP minimap visuals:

Additionally, we've determined that we should be able to save/load game missions in progress which is a big step forward toward shipping the game. There are still minor concerns about performance related to how long it will take to load/save and how large the saved files might get. However, we are now certain it's possible and within our scope to have working in the game for release. For most all RTS this is a very standard feature, but since there are only two of us on the team, it's a non-trivial feature to add even if it's quite standard.

Thanks for reading and I hope you're all having a great day,

Micah Rust

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