Week 25

Hello Everyone,

This week we pushed toward a strong playable build of the game. We are heading to Orcacon 2022 and hope to show off the game to some hardcore strategy gamers and get some focused feedback on the game's strategy.

In preparation for Orcacon, we fixed a lot of lingering bugs, added additional visual and audio feedback to many gameplay events, and also did the set dressing on a level.

The set dressing is mostly adding simple things like wall models and installation parts in places of the map that are blocked. This gives us a better idea of what the final game could look like. It also tells us if the game's art style for the backdrop is too overt/distracting. It could be a problem if players see a non-interactable pipe or part and think that it's part of the gameplay when it's just visual flourish baked into the level.

The team is really looking forward to playtesting this build as it also includes the new corruption enemy in addition to a few new levels.

Hope you're having a nice day,

Micah Rust

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