Week 24

Hello Everyone,

This week we worked on some major feedback visuals in the game. A primary addition is the power flow particles seen below. These particles flow away from a building's source of power to clearly communicate where and how a building is being provided power. This is our first pass on the power flow particles visuals and will change over time once we get some playtesting data on the current design.

As you can also see we've done some work on the nanite miner visuals to make them feel a bit more unique and obvious to the player.

Since it's been a while since we've done playtesting for the game we are shooting to make a playable version, 0.3b, of the game for next week. The goal is to validate many of the feedback mechanisms and new mechanics that we've been tweaking.  Along with 0.3b we are hoping to do a suit dress of one level to get a feel for what the final game might look like. 

Hope you're having a great start to 2022,
Micah Rust

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