Week 20

Hello Everyone,

This last week of development has been focused on refactoring parts of the game's codebase to meet our performance targets. As our game gets more complicated and the graphics improve we want to make it a priority to solve performance issues early in development.

Alongside the performance improvements we were also able to continue refining our buildings and now have a more polished Lance (formerly known as Spike) building with idle and attack animations.

Work in progress animation:

We also now have a drawing tablet which we hope to make good use of in the coming months as we work out the art style and feel of the game.

Next week we are hoping to get some good playtesting in with a new build of the game. With this build, we hope to validate a new enemy the player will have to face. We're still fleshing out the game design, but it should be great fun to play against and as this new force.

We hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season,

Micah Rust

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