Week 18

Hello everyone,

This week we've put together a pair of brand new levels to test out the new Corruption mechanic. The first level is an open ended fight in an open area to give the player a chance to figure out how Corruption works and how to deal with it. The player and the Corruption compete for resources. Here's what that level looked like in the concept phase:

And here's what it looks like in engine:

The other level is based around a surprise attack by the Corruption on a fortified outpost. Hopefully this is going to be a dramatic moment for the player and show off just how dangerous the Corruption can be. If they can fight through it though, the player will unlock the Turret, a long range attacking building that's perfect for dealing with Corruption from a safe distance. Here's what it looked like in the concept phase:

And here's what it looks like in engine:

So far the levels are much harder then we'd hoped, so we're making some adjustments before playtesting. Here's hoping we can turn this into something fun!

Thanks for reading,
Tucker Bane

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