Week 12

Hello Everyone,

We've made some big levels and fixed a ton of bugs. Our first brand new level shows of the surger... by not letting you use anything else! Here's what it looked like in the concept art phase. 

In this mission you are attacked for all sides! The enemy on the left attacks you immediately, requiring you to make quick decisions to stay alive. The enemy on the right takes a while to build up it's power, but will be very dangerous if left alone too long to gobble up resources. Now that we're getting into later levels we're upping the difficulty. We'll see how our playtesters react!

Here's what the finished version looks like:

The other level we made lets you use everything we've added to the game all at once. Here's our concept drawing:

In this level the player has to either make their way through a gauntlet of enemy strongholds to reach the enemy HQ, or construct assault platforms to take them out one by one. The most "standard" of our missions to date, this should be good for testing out everything we've made so far.

Here's what the finished version looks like:

We're excited to start trying out all this new material on real people soon.

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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