Week 8

Hello everyone,

This week we added a mechanic to the game to make it more fun to steal your enemy's stuff: Auto capture
Capture Gif

Capturing enemy buildings one at a time was tedious, so now you can take control of any enemy buildings you cut off (unpowered) just by building next to them! It takes a while though, so if this ever happens to you you'll have a chance to react. We also laid the groundwork for some cool power and connectivity related features we're planning on making in the next couple weeks, along with a bunch of bug fixes.

We've also been experimenting with art, and how we want the game to look in general, so our screen shots may start looking weird soon.

Next week we're getting started on making some more levels and trying out some mechanic ideas we've had on the back burner for a while, starting with ground pins and assault platforms. Check back in a week or two to find out what those are!

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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