Week 4

We've made our first map. Here's what it looked like in the concept "art" phase:

Now we've got it in engine and playable! We're thinking about having a lot of levels where the enemy starts out with a big advantage and you have to use your wits to beat it anyway. This is the first step in that direction.  The center acts as a chokepoint, and the rest of the level gives the player space to play around and outflank the AI. It's been helpful to be able to test things in a real level. Here's what it looks like in-engine:

This week we've also made some major progress with AI. It grabs resources, it attacks, and it does a ton of debug drawing. It's not all that "smart" just yet, but it does get more aggressive over time. Hopefully this'll make it an interesting opponent for new players to face off against. We'll probably be doing some friends and family playtesting next week, after we've tweaked some more number. Anyways, here's what the level looks like with all that debug drawing visible:

What you're seeing here is the AI's current objectives (red X), some special pathfinding it's doing to try and find one (Yellow lines), and some miscellaneous power network debugging  (all the other lines). You can never have too much debug info!

The next big step for AI is probably going to be setting up influence maps. That'll be the setup required for a lot of fun stuff like flanking and a sense of self preservation. Sure, the AI will be ABLE to cheat, but it shouldn't have to :P

Happy gaming!

Tucker Bane

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