Week 2

Development continues!

We've added a second "player" who will hopefully grow into a menacing antagonist. No plans for multi-player at the moment. We've made plans for our first AI antagonist and getting them going will be a major focus next week. Right now they're just a scary color. Spooky!

We've also made a bunch of changes to buildings and how they work. We've added an SRAM building to increase your maximum memory and added a lot to the way buildings work in general. The big ticket items are a central grid that powers buildings, and the ability to make buildings that take up multiple spaces. Overall we're working to make growing your grid more engaging and give ourselves a big box of tools for once we start playtesting.

We've also made some major UI improvements. The big one is that you now get a preview of where whatever building you have selected can be placed. We've also whit boxed out an idea for a complete UI setup and hooked up some of the buttons. We also through in some fun stuff like a fancy mouse cursor. We mixing in some fun visuals and playing around with how we might want the game to look while we get the big gameplay stuff up and running. It's all very experimental at this point and we're having a great time trying things out.

Thanks for reading,

Tucker Bane

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