Starting development

We've just started development. This is our week-one screen-shot.

The first week had gone by with great success! We started on Monday (July 12th) and set out to make an innovative real-time strategy game and are well on are on our way to getting interesting gameplay.

So far we've implemented a few buildings that let you spread out across the level, gather resources, and (theoretically) cause danger to opposing players. With these mechanics, we how to provide some compelling strategy choices on where to invest your resources and also how to best combat the enemy's advance. We are still very far out from having a worthy AI to fight against so much of the balance and playtesting will have to wait.

We've added our first gizmo of mass destruction! A single directional attacking building, that costs a medium amount of resources and is provided a starting rotation. This should enable players to make a steadfast defense against those who would seek to destroy your conquered hardware. This is just a test building and will probably change or become more/less powerful as the game develops but is laying the framework for more buildings and mechanics in the game.

Next on the chopping block, we hope to get the resource system fully functional. Right now you can spend your compute and power but there is no way to increase your memory capacity (the 3rd number on the UI at the top left part of the screen).

Thanks for reading,
Micah Rust

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